Fundraiser Dinner Nights

How does a Fundraiser Dinner Night work?
If approved, your organization will choose a date from Southside’s available calendar. Your organization should then encourage your members and supporters to dine at Southside on the agreed upon date between 5pm – 8pm. During these 3 hours, our Southside cashiers will ask every Southside guest if they are visiting in support of your organization. For every “yes”, we record the sale in your favor. Southside will then donate a percentage of all sales you/your organization generate(s) (dine-in, take-out, and drive-thru) in the form of a check. Checks are usually processed and delivered/mailed within two weeks of your Fundraiser Dinner Night.

Who is eligible?
Non-profit organizations and school/youth related teams or groups within 10-15 miles proximity to one of our locations.

How much notice do I need to give?
You are required to submit your request at least 2 weeks prior to your desired Fundraiser Dinner Night. Any dates closer than 2 weeks will not be considered. You will be contacted with a response from Southside within 7 days. Please note that the further you plan in advance, the more time you’ll have to raise awareness about your event.

What dates/times are available?
Currently, all Fundraiser Dinner Nights are hosted on Tuesdays, Wednesday or Thursday evenings between the hours of 5pm – 8pm.

How can my organization raise the most money?
Promote your event…including but not limited to flyers, social media posts, phone calls, and word of mouth. The level of success you can hope to achieve on your Fundraiser Dinner Night is directly related to your promotional efforts. The more you promote, the more successful it will be, and the more funds you will raise!

If your Fundraiser Dinner Night is approved, we will email our logo to you with our permission for use on the promotional materials you’re creating to spread the word. Prior to printing/distributing your promotions, we do ask that you receive approval from Southside Market & Barbeque prior to printing.